Here are many paper applications that are in use all around you:
Representation of Value
Paper money – First introduced in as leather money in Ancient China during Han Dynasty (118 BC), money started being made from paper in 7th century China.
Marco Polo introduced this concept to Europeans in 13th century.
Bank note- Fist appearance of bank notes started in 14th century Italy, and first government approved banknotes were created in 1661 Sweden. They represent
right of the holder of the note to collect monetary goods deposited in bank.
Cheque – Initially used as bank notes, cheques are relatively modern creation. Bank cheques were popularized in 20th century.
Security paper - Special type of paper that hides in itself security features that can identify and authenticate that document as original. Today they are
used in passports, certificates, government documents, voting ballots and more.
Voucher – Special kind of money that can be used only for purchase of specific goods of services.
Ticket – Document that serves a proof that person has paid to enter event or establishment (movie theater, zoo, museum, concert, sporting event, etc.).
Storing of information
Book – Set of sheets containing written, printed or illustrated content fastened together to a hinge on one side. Popularized after Johannes Gutenberg
invented moveable type in 1450, and arrival of steam printing machines in 19th century.
Notebook – Blank book intended for personal use and manual writing of new data (home pads, legal pad, lab pads, police notebooks, etc.)
Magazine – Publication intended to regularly bring information to paying customers. Introduced in 17th and popularized in 19th century.
Newspaper – Daily or weekly publications printed with current events, editorials and articles intended for use in local markets.
Letter – Written message on a sheet of paper, intended to be delivered to the end-user by postal service.